Breast Cancer, Newscrable

A common controversy arising out of routine mammography is the detection of mild Breast Cancer in women. This includes the majority of the Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) cases. This has indicated concerns with respect to over-diagnosis as well as over-treatment.

And also dropping the hint that DCIS can be managed through active surveillance instead of surgery. Unfortunately, Invasive Breast Cancer (IBC) has been found in women with DCIS at a very high rate. This rate is almost double that of the normal population.

Breast cancer management and quality of mammography have undergone several changes over the years. Oncologists are now able to localize and target small bits of this disease with the help of modern technology. Treatment of women with DCIS has been found to decrease the risk of IBC (Invasive Breast Cancer).

Why is the risk of Breast Cancer high after DCIS?

The presence of DCIS means that cancer has already started to form inside the breast ducts. Although it hasn’t spread to other parts of the body yet. If this condition is not actively monitored and subsequently treated, it leads to an increased risk of cancer

Unfortunately, a large number of DCIS cases do not progress. As a result of which they get over-treated and pose greater potential for cancer spread. It is important to know exactly how potentially harmful DCIS treatment differs from harmless treatment.

Women who have undergone breast-conserving surgery have been found to display a lower rate of IBC. If they have also undergone radiotherapy. Women who received mastectomy were found to have the lowest rates of IBC.

As per a study by the British Medical Journal, rates for deaths due to breast cancer as well as rates of IBC were double that of the general population among women found to have DCIS during breast screening.

Scientific findings

  • It has been found that Black women are likely to get diagnosed with more aggressive breast cancer than other races. Various factors that contribute to the above are cancer’s biology, differences in healthcare, and genetics.
  • Similar to the above, the incidence of DCIS found during a doctor’s examination is more aggressive than the mammogram. Researchers state that DCIS in an examination is mostly HER2-positive and hormone-receptor-negative.
  • If there are positive margins in the DCIS, some cancer cells may still be present at the site of cancer. And a recurrence may also take place.
  • Women who are premenopausal are younger than others and tend to have worse outcomes after being diagnosed with DCIS


If you are at high risk for an invasive disease like cancer, try to include the following in your lifestyle:

  1. Try to maintain the correct weight as per BMI
  2. Avoid or limit your intake of alcohol
  3. Perform regular exercises at the highest possible intensity
  4. Limit the consumption of sugary foods and fast foods as much as possible
  5. Consume food rich in nutrients
  6. Do not smoke

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